Welcome to the  South Feminist Knowledge Hub, an online learning and convening space for Southern Feminist Activism! If you are looking for information and materials  about South Feminism theory, histories, research, analysis,concepts, practices, and policies from a decolonial Global South feminist perspective start here!

The Knowledge Hub is a multi-thematic and multi-lingual online repository. It provides a growing catalogue of curated  resources in multiple formats (books, articles, videos, podcast, ect) produced by feminists from the Global South to support Southern Feminist analysis and activism.

To navigate the catalogue you can




منكم وفيكم: نحو تراث غير نمطي

في منطقة جغرافية نعيش فيها كأشخاص يعيشون تجارب جنسية وجندرية مختلفة في صراع يومي مع مجتمع تحكمه تقاليد وقيم إقصائية نابعة من معتقدات دينية وإجتماعية، على رأسها مفهوم العيب. في

Knowledge Products by SFF


We welcome contributions that will grow and expand the Knowledge Hub catalogue. Please share your resource suggestions!