Please help us grow the Knowledge Hub by sharing your suggestions. We encourage all users to share resources produced by Global South feminists. These resources can be articles, books, art pieces, podcasts,videos, literature, webinars.
You can share your suggestions by email with the subject “Contribution to the South Feminist Knowledge Hub” to the email or by filling in the form below.
Other ways in which you can help to expand the Knowledge Hub towards amplifying Southern Feminist knowledge are:
Spreading the word about the existence of the SF Knowledge Hub or specific content via twitter, facebook or linkedin.
Content collection and curation
We want the SF Knowledge Hub to represent the pluriversity of feminist creations, their different worldviews, cultures, identities, languages, and solutions that exist in the Global South. To achieve this, the process of mapping and identifying resources, as well as curating and organising them is key for a more participatory, open, and richer process. We invite you to contribute to this effort by sending us suggestions by email to on:
Reviewing and Editing
We want to make sure that the sources we have are properly tagged and all the information is accurate and we appreciate your input by making the necessary suggestions for any corrections or amendments. Please let us know your suggestions/corrections by filling the
Reviewing and Editing form or sending us an email to with the subject “Reviewing and editing South Feminist Knowledge Hub”