Defeating the three-headed monster

In recent times, we have witnessed an upsurge in the co-option and appropriation of the word and concept of gender for other purposes that have nothing to do with the social transformation for which generations of feminists have been fighting. Beyond unnormalize the discrimination, oppressions and privileges that exist on the basis of different sexual identities and expectations constructed around them, and reactivating the potential of the concept of gender for the political and emancipatory transformation of our world, this essay, a feminist essay on gender also reinforces the claim that there is no Social Justice without Gender Justice, highlights the constitutive interdependence between Society, Justice and Gender and puts forward proposals for paths that can be adopted to forge every day, a path that is built on the journey, mutual commitments that articulate ideas and ideals; dialoguing and collaborating to achieve the goods that are common and the benefits that will accrue to all. This essay is the outcome of a series of reflections on Rethinking gender and un expression of our commitment to a feminist vision of Mozambique and the world and to the necessary and urgent transformations.
Author(s): Teresa Cunha
Date Published: 2022

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