The Majority World – what’s in a phrase?

At the recent Philanthropy Australia conference, I caused a bit of a stir with my use of ‘Majority World’. I am delighted to hear that individuals and organisations are adopting the usage. I want to share here in more detail what I mean by Majority World. I first used the phrase ‘majority world’ at a conference at the ANU in 2013 and in the paper that was subsequently published in 2015. I now use Majority World in place of what is often referred to as the developing world, in order to avoid the infantilisation—and ensuing harm— implicit in ‘developing’ and the even more blatant hierarchies in ‘first’ and ‘third’ world. My reasons are to do with discourse and ethics.
Author(s): Dr Salmah Eva-Lina Lawrence
Date Published: 2022

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