”We need the power of modern critical theories of how meanings and bodies get made, not in order to deny meanings and bodies, but in order to build meanings and bodies that have a chance for life.” Donna Haraway (1988)
“No hay descolonización sin despatriarcalización, no hay un mundo nuevo si no lo construimos con nuestra Ixina: Despertar de la conciencia para abrazar una nueva era para los cuerpos y los territorios.” Lorena Cabnal (2014)
The South Feminist Knowledge Hub is a multi-thematic and multi-language curated catalogue of resources in diverse formats authored by feminists from the Global South. It serves to support Southern Feminist activism by building a knowledge base by and for South Feminists and contribute to their legacy.
The Knowledge Hub aims to make South Feminist knowledge more accessible in a variety of formats. The catalogued resources intersect global south feminist struggles, strategies, actions, and movement building from a feminist and decolonial perspective. The multi-thematic collection covers topics such as decolonial, feminist theories, economy, social reproduction, activism and resistance, climate crisis, among many others.
Decolonial and post colonial theorists assert that the current hierarchies of power (colonial matrix of power or global coloniality) consist of four interrelated domains: control of economy, control of authority, control of gender and sexuality and control of subjectivity and knowledge. Neoliberalism has neutralised efforts toward endogenous knowledge production and intermediation in the South, relegating the same to the peripheries of a colonial knowledge political economy. South Feminist knowledge and theory must be foundational to our theories of change. As with all political and social movements, South Feminist theory, histories, research, analysis, ‘diagnostics’, information and data are needed to nourish our action and movement building.
Geographical (North/South), gender and racial biases in the production, reproduction and dissemination of knowledge (academic, formal and non-formal) persist. Feminist knowledge, particularly from the Global South, is continually marginalised in academia, policy making and even ironically in gender and development discourse and spaces.
The South Feminist Knowledge Hub seeks to confront and dismantle the architectures of global patriarchal, colonised and centralised knowledge hegemony by collating and sharing the rich and extensive knowledge production by Global South Feminist scholars and activists. The Knowledge Hub aims to:
Books, Articles, Audiovisual, Visual Art, Digital Resources, SFF productions, films, etc.
Academic, Non-Academic, Policy Brief, Report, Statement, Opinion/Editorial, Blog post, Toolkit, Biography, History/Oral history, Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Film, Podcast, Comic, Video
Latin American, The Caribbean, The Pacific, Asia, Africa, South in the North.
Activism and resistance, Feminist Theories, Decolonial, Economy, Culture, Environment, Education, Technology, LGTBQ+ rights, Transfeminism, Black feminism, Multilateralism, Politics, Culture, among many others.
Arabic, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.