Knowledge Hub Platform Data Rights and Policy Disclaimer

What is the Knowledge hub?

The South Feminist Knowledge Hub  is an open access and free repository of multi-thematic resources, productions and knowledge materials produced and authored by feminists who are women, trans, and non-binary  from the Global South.  Our aim is to break the walls of patriarchal and colonial knowledge hegemony, by building a new knowledge base for South Feminist activism, disseminating and spreading the rich and extensive productions by Global South Feminists as well as democratising  and decolonising knowledge production.

All resources published in the platform are for educational and guidance purposes.

South Feminist Futures (SFF) is a legally registered organisation in Zimbabwe and we operate under its laws. We therefore abide by Zimbabwe’s  Copyright And Neighbouring Rights Act [Chapter 26:05]. In particular Section 25 provides for educational use of copyright material as follows:

‘(1) Subject to this section, the copyright in a work shall not be infringed by the use of the work by way of illustration in any publication, broadcast or record for teaching if—

(a) the use is compatible with fair practice; and

(b) the extent of the use is justified by the purpose; and

(c) sufficient acknowledgement is given.’

Origin of the resources: who they belong to, how they come to be published on the platform?

The materials published on the platform have different origins.  There are materials:

  • Produced by the South Feminist Futures team, associates and members.
  • Third party materials and content that the SFF team collects from different sources such as academic journals, web portals, websites of feminist organisations etc.
  • Content and materials that users of the Knowledge Hub  send to SFF.

Privacy Policy Disclaimer

South Feminist Futures accepts no liability nor does it guarantee  the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided on this website. The same applies to all links to third-party resources directly or indirectly referred to on this website.

All entries published on the Knowledge Hub are protected by the copyright of the authors and publishers.

The material may not be reproduced, distributed or republished without the prior written permission of the copyright owners and holders. Explore here the types of Creative Commons licensed that some of the content available in the knowledge base might have. Remember that only Creative Commons licensed content is content that you can legally share, rework and reuse and in doing so you must always acknowledge the authors.