In The Shadows Of Hate: Trends And Strategies Of Fascist Fundamentalisms Across Regions

This report examines the global trends of fascist and fundamentalist (FF) movements, highlighting their complex, adaptive nature and their impact on societies worldwide. FFs operate through exploitative relationships that dehumanize and marginalize specific groups to sustain the economic, cultural, and ideological dominance of a few. These movements leverage global networks and local resources to advance their primary goal: the rapid accumulation of wealth, achieved through social, cultural, and political control. The report emphasizes the critical need for counterstrategies that prioritize accessible information, solidarity, and hope. It highlights the importance of fostering unity across diverse movements, reframing narratives, and envisioning alternative futures. By examining FFs through a non-binary, non-reductionist lens, the report seeks to uncover nuanced insights into their operations and inspire new forms of resistance. We invite you to use this report as a conversation starter, to agree, or -even better- to disagree with in order to foster new and bigger dreams for transformation.
Author(s): Alejandra Sardá-Chandiramani, Lucía Bonilla
Date Published: 2024

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