Reviewed Work: Migrant Women of Johannesburg: Everyday life in an In-Between City by Caroline Wanjiku Kihato READ MORE >>
Reviewed Work: Feminism, Empowerment and Development: Changing Women’s Lives by Andrea Cornwall, Jenny Edwards READ MORE >>
When Exploitation is Camouflaged as Women Empowerment: The case of Malawi’s first female president Joyce Banda READ MORE >>
La crise financière mondiale et les femmes d’Afrique occidentale: impacts et réponses politiques* READ MORE >>
Archives and Collective Memories: Searching for African women in the pan-African imaginary READ MORE >>
Creating Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa: the limitations of capacity-building as remedy for gender inequality READ MORE >>
Making a Difference: Embracing the challenge of women’s substantive engagement in political leadership in Uganda READ MORE >>
Gender, Land and Labour Relations and Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa in the era of Economic Liberalisation: Towards a Research Agenda READ MORE >>